
For every type of business, whether a startup or an established enterprise, cash flow and profit represent two key indicators of financial health. Although they are often confused or used as synonyms, they actually measure distinct aspects of your business’s economic situation. Understanding the differences between cash flow and profit is essential for making crucial...
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The choice of organisational structure is one of the first steps to address if you have a project aimed at changing people’s lives, and it’s crucial in defining how you will operate, manage resources, and comply with the law. In the United Kingdom, there are several options to choose from, each suited to specific needs....
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Managing payroll internally can become a complex and costly activity, especially in the British context, characterised by constantly changing tax and labour regulations. For this reason, more and more organisations are choosing to outsource this function to external providers, saving time, resources and, above all, avoiding costly mistakes. Payroll outsourcing is not just a practical...
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The tax burden is a reality we all must face, but we often find ourselves thinking: “Am I paying too much?”.Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a self-employed professional, or an employee, knowing how to reduce your tax burden legally and strategically can make a big difference to your finances. Optimizing taxes doesn’t mean evading them, but...
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